1 service Sunday 1 Family service this Sunday at 11am no children’s services or childcare this week!

Next Steps

Everyone has a Next Step. Here at Living Water we want to help you discover what your step looks like. Explore the many options we have available below. Click the connect button to contact us for more information on any of these topics.

First Step


We want to get to know you. We can't wait to hear what brought you here, and how we can partner with you on your journey to Love God and Love others. During this 1 hour session you will also hear about WHO we are, WHERE we are going, and HOW you can get connected at Living Water.



Salvation is God's gift to us, but we must accept it. We can never make up for our sin by self- improvement or good works. It is only by trusting in Jesus Christ as God's offer of forgiveness that you can be saved from sin's penalty. Click here if you would like more information regarding Salvation.



Baptism is a way of showing others that you follow Jesus. This does not make you a believer. However, it is a symbol that you believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior in your life, you share in Christ's death and resurrection, illustrated by going under the water (dead to the old) and then rising again (new life), you are symbolically washed cleaned and your sins are forgiven by his death on the cross. Click here if you would like more information or to be baptized. 

Life Group


Life groups are the heart beat of our church. We have many groups available for you to join. They meet at various times and places to share the ups and downs of life, gain biblical insight, and prayer. From serving together on Sundays to special volunteering opportunities in our community our Life Groups are a great place to grow and get connected.
